Schedule of Events

Competitors will be provided with an updated schedule on site.



Schedules are subject to change.

2:00 pm – 6:30 pm • Check-In at the Grand Summit Hotel and Welcome Packet Pick-Up

5:00 pm • SCI Mountain Challenge Kick-Off Cocktail Reception

6:45 pm • SCI Mountain Challenge Kick-Off Dinner

8:00 pm • Team Briefing • Attendance Mandatory

Friday, SEPTEMBER 26


Schedules are subject to change.

5:30 am – 6:30 am • Breakfast Buffet

6:30 am • Competitor shuttle bus boarding

8:00 am • SCI Mountain Challenge official start

4:00 pm • Race course officially closes

6:00 pm • “Halfway There” Cocktail Reception and Dinner

8:00 pm • Team Briefing • Attendance Mandatory

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 27

Race Day Two

Schedules are subject to change.

5:30 am – 7:00 am • Breakfast Buffet

6:45 am • Competitor shuttle bus boarding

8:00 am • SCI Mountain Challenge Race Day Two start

12:00 pm – 4:30 pm • Finish Line Celebration Barbecue

4:00 pm • Race course officially closes

6:00 pm • Cocktail Reception

7:00 pm • Dinner and Awards Ceremony

9:00 pm • Fireside After Party

Sunday, SEPTEMBER 28


Schedules are subject to change.

7:00 am – 10:00 am • Complimentary Coffee and Muffins Station